Monday, November 7, 2011


We went to dinner, Jordan poop’d the babysitter.   Nothing else to say…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

And We Are Rollin’…

Today Jordan rolled over for the first time.  I am not sure if it was back to front or the other way around…..but either way, life from this day forward will be on the go.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lake Powell

If you have never been, you need to go.  Go to Lake Powell.  Go see the magnitude of Glen Canyon Dam.  Go see the contrast of the beautiful sandstone cliffs against the sparkling blue water.  Go…



Old Man and The Sea

As I stated in my previous post, we went to Lake Powell last week to relax for a few days.  While we where they we had a lot of fun just hanging.  But I most say that the most memorable part of the trip was a conversation I had with my a local Ole Timer.  He considered himself a fisherman, I thought he was more a storyteller. 

I am just glad he let me snap this pic so I will always remember him.  

