Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It’s Go Time!

I always wondered how my first experience with fatherhood would begin.  Some can argue that it truly began about 10 months ago on our anniversary at a resort just south of the valley but forget about that and let’s fast forward.  What I am talking about is the night it truly became “Go Time”.  The moment that we had prepared for….the entrance of our son into this crazy world.  The “moment” began on Sunday, May 29.  I can remember it vividly.  Jessica really wanted a tablet so we could entertain ourselves in the hospital while not having to lug a laptop around.  SO after much deliberation we decided to go with a Samsung Galaxy from Verizon (great little device but that is a whole other topic).  After making the purchase late on a Sunday afternoon we headed home.  (Now this day was no different than any other day in recent history or so I thought, from my view point, Jessica was having contractions but none of them were serious enough to consider it Go Time).  Well I was wrong and today was totally different!  I was in the bathroom when Jessica came in and told me that she thought her water broke.  “What do you mean you think?” I replied.   If Hollywood has taught us anything it is that when your water breaks it is like Niagara Falls…..the big gush.  Well her’s started as a stream so she felt wet but she wasn’t sure.  WELL, my mind started racing…..and in that moment I thought….we don’t have any food for the dogs.  What are they going to do for the next few days?  SO yes, Jessica’s water broke and I decided to go to Petsmart.  Upon my return she informed me that her water definitely broke and it was Go Time!  I was ready.  Everything was packed and I was calm.  What I was not ready for was what followed.  Jessica’s water broke at 5:45 PM and she spent the next hour or making phone calls, making sure everything was in order around the house and even repacking all the bags we had just packed in preparation of Go Time. 

DSC00906I was losing my mind.  I didn’t remember in any of our classes the nurses stating that if your water breaks take your good sweet time getting to the hospital.  They way I remember it was, “Your water breaks, go to the hospital….NOW!”  Even worse yet, she had me grab the camera so we could chronicle the event.  I am trying to back out of the garage and she is taking pictures.DSC00911I am trying to rush her into the hospital and she is stopping to have a total stranger snap of few pictures of us (like we were tourists).

DSC00915Eventually I got Miss Congeniality into the hospital and they took it from there but all I can say is I thought I was prepared for Go Time but my wife definitely threw me off my game.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

McDowell Mountain Music Festival

As we do every year we attended the McDowell Mountain Music Festival with the Speedie crew.  We went to the show on Friday night….mainly because one of our favs (JJ Grey & Mofro – www.jjgrey.com) was headlining.  I definitely took full advantage of having Jessica as my DD.  What a show and everyone had a great time!!  Well at least that is what I remember.